WORLD WIDE WEB AWARD: On March 29, 2005, Leeside Farm Photography became a proud winner of the Silver World Wide Web Award 2005.

Leeside Farm Photography is a proud winner of the Photo-Awards Photographic Content Award.
Photographic Content Award
In February 2005, Leeside Farm Photography became a proud winner of the Photo-Awards Photographic Content Award.

Visitor's Book
Click here to open an email to leave a comment in our Visitor's book.

Russ Gilsdorf: Congratulations on a most unusual and visually stunning website. What wonderful photographic images . . . nature, animals, city scapes and architecture and all done with a painterly aesthetic. I am amazed that you make very difficult and atmospheric images look so easy and uncomplicated.

Joe & Alma Estrada: Splendid work! We are grateful to our friend Cathy Fontechia for directing us to your website. We love all your work ..... it's splendid! And somehow, we get the impression the young bull is your personal favorite!

Marie Jean Benis: Your website is gorgeous -- congratulations on your work and your shows.

Cathy Fontechia: Your art work is remarkable. What a talented person you are. There is so much feeling in your renderings; color , lighting, design, subjects, and everything in your representation of each object, overwhelming. Keep up the great work.

Hope Harris: Your imagery is beautiful. It touches the heart......

Nancy Ferguson MD: Just want to say your photographs are stunning. I bookmarked your webpage to show my kids. (they are ages 2 and 3-adopted from Vietnam and Nepal). I have won award for photography in the past, but with 2 litle ones-now I just grab snaps...

Carolyn Perks: Brilliant!

Linda Noren Adams: I like your new pictures...very nice. You also reorganized the group, which I think makes sense.

Carly Erdman: The photos are amazing. I had never seen the Washington DC ones before. One is more magnificent than the next.